Ultimate Wolverine
Ultimate Wolverine is an ongoing comic book series written by Chris Condon, illustrated by Alessandro Cappuccio, and published by Marvel Comics primarily based on the character of Wolverine. This version of Wolverine serves as the Winter Soldier, utilized by The Maker's Council to maintain their control of the world.[1] The character was debuted in the one-shot Ultimate Universe: One Year In in December 2024, before the series began in January 2025.[2] PremiseSet in the Ultimate Universe of Earth-6160 the titular character serves as the Winter Soldier, a mutant created and deployed in the Eurasian Coalition by Colossus, Magik, and Omega Red, who serve as members of The Maker's council. The first issue released on January 15, 2025.[3] PlotNear the Eurasian Republic border that is close to Latveria, some soldiers are talking about Winter Soldier where they heard rumors that he was originally a North American Union experiment gone wrong, not being human at all, and was pieced together from the corpses of those who have died. Winter Soldier gets up and jumps out of the airplane without a parachute. He attacks a hideout of the Opposition that is run by Mystique and Nightcrawler. In a flashback, Dr. Alongya Prostovich of Directorate X tells Colossus, Magik, and Omega Red about how the subject has regenerated from every injury it took. Colossus claims that it's from the North American Union like the other mutants in their custody as he and Dr. Prostovich recall the last time a skeleton enhancement project didn't go well. In addition, they do have a telepath that can help control him. Back in the present, Nightcrawler recognizes Winter Soldier as he begins his attack. As Nightcrawler does a prayer from Psalm 23, Mystique tries to fool Winter Soldier by posing as Colossus. He takes down Mystique. In another flashback, Dr. Prostovich informs Colossus that the subject's memory has been wiped and claims that it went by the name of "Logan". Back in the present, Nightcrawler tries to reason with Winter Soldier. While begging for forgiveness, Nightcrawler uses his teleporation and mastery of firearms to attack Winter Soldier. Before being stabbed by Winter Soldier's claws, Nightcrawler apologizes to Winter Soldier that they weren't quick enough and had come back for him. In another flashback, Logan was shown footage of the enemy by minions of Colossus where it was mentioned that Mystique and Nightcrawler had escaped from an East Berlin camp. While on his airplane upon removing his mask, Logan remembers the Psalm 23 prayer that Nightcrawler told him.[4] Reception