Uki (TV series)
Uki is a Belgian animated television series for children. The main character is a small yellow creature who invites his young viewers to discover the world with him. The show has been airing on Belgian and Finnish networks since April 2010. It was first shown on Club RTL and Ketnet. [1] From September 2011 on, it was also aired on BBC's CBeebies channel, as part of Show Me Show Me.[2] CharactersUki, the main character in the series, is a yellow creature with a long neck, wings and an antenna on his head which can perform telekinesis. Neither male nor female (despite being referred to with masculine pronouns), Uki doesn't talk, but expresses himself through sounds, such as laughter and smiles. Each episode describes a day in Uki’s life and the character experiences a new adventure with his friends Hedgehog, Rabbit, Squirrel, Tortoise, Duck, and the Flowers, under the protective eye of Sun and Cloud.[3] ProductionThe production of the show is overseen by the Belgian affiliate of Universal Music Group.[4] The original designs were created by a Belgian design studio TopFloor ( For the actual production of the show Universal Music teamed up with Belgian production studio Creative Conspiracy, the company that was responsible for the 3D character animation in the 2D-animation feature The Triplets of Belleville.[5] Storylines and scripts were written by Belgian TV and children's authors Dirk Nielandt, Griet Vanhemel, Tom Neuttiens and Diane Redmond.[6] Music composed by Piet de Ridder. Audio postproduction by Temple Of Tune Belgium. Voices by Jorka Decroubele and Fredo Gevaert.[7] SetUki's world is a children's television program characterized by its portrayal of a safe and contained environment, depicting the experiences of a child as they navigate new sensations and learn about their surroundings. The show features a strong emphasis on music, with simple and catchy melodic jingles aimed at appealing to its target audience of young children. StructureStructured in a modular format, each episode of the show is carefully composed to present a series of interconnected segments, including games, puzzles, and activities. These are designed to reinforce the central themes and concepts explored in the storyline, providing children with an interactive and educational viewing experience. AwardsIn 2008 the show won the KidScreen Summit's Pitch it! Award.[8] Episodes
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