Ubristes is a genus of hoverflies, with four known species.[1][2] All are characterized by their metatibiae, which are usually enlarged, but always with a brush of long pile along the dorsal edges. These flies are probably mimics of the stingless bees in the tribe Meliponini.[3] The presence or absence of the appendix on vein R4+5 is variable within this group.[3] The type species of Carreramyia, Hypselosyrphus and Stipomorpha were formerly included in Ubristes; the latter two genera were also considered subgroups of Ubristes. All three are now considered separate genera by Reemer & Ståhls (2013).[2] BiologyLarvae are found in ant nests. DistributionThey are native to the Neotropics.[3] Species