Ubi arcano Dei consilio
Ubi arcano Dei consilio (English: When in the inscrutable designs of God) was Pius XI's first encyclical. Promulgated 23 December 1922, it is subtitled "On the Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ". ContextPius XI was elected to the papacy on 6 February 1922. He took as his papal motto Pax Christi in Regno Christi (translated "The Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ)". He followed the theme of Pius X, Instaurare Omnia in Christo ("To Restore All Things in Christ").[1] He observed that the recent Great War had not brought true peace, and to counter that, the Church and Christianity should be active in, not insulated from, society:[2]
Pius took note of persistent class warfare and political parties, which rather than pursue a disinterested search for what would best promote the common welfare, desire power and protection for some private interest, which inevitably results in injury to the citizens as a whole. He stated that the principles of the Catholic faith can easily be reconciled with any reasonable and just system of government, but that such governments are the most exposed to the danger of being overthrown by one faction or another:[3]
He deplored the fact that churches turned to secular uses had not yet been restored to their intended function; the lack of clergy, many of whom served as chaplains and died in the war; and the fact that a number of seminaries had not re-opened.[5] He attributed much of society's ills to concupiscence, which he described as inordinate desire for pleasure, the inordinate desire for possessions and the inordinate desire to rule or to domineer over others.[6] Pius proclaimed that true peace cannot be found except under the Kingship of Christ as "Prince of Peace" and exhorted bishops to strive for its realisation. Catholic ActionThe document promoted the "Catholic Action" movement. The idea was to involve lay men and women in an organisation, under the supervision of the bishops, which would in varied ways manifest the social teachings of the church through direct service to the poor and those who lived on the margins of society.[7] Pius XI also gave his approval to specialised movements like the Jocists, associations of young Catholic industrial workers who aimed to Christianise the workforce, and to provide a Catholic alternative to communist and socialist trade unions. See alsoNotes
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