UTEXAS uses the limit equilibrium method. The user provides the geometry and shear strength parameters for the slope in question and UTEXAS computes a factor of safety against slope failure. The factor of safety for a candidate failure surface is computed as the forces driving failure along the surface divided by the shear resistance of the soils along the surface.[2]
UTEXAS employs a fast automatic search algorithm to find the failure surface with the lowest factor of safety with respect to shear strength. This is the critical failure surface. Alternatively an arbitrary surface can be entered by the user and UTEXAS can determine the factor of safety associated with it.[3]
The factor of safety for a shear surface is determined using a procedure of slices. Several different procedures exist and the user can choose among them.[3]
Input and output consist of text files. The geologic model is primarily defined using profile lines, which are lines defining the interface between different soil layers. Profile lines are associated with materials, and different materials with different properties can be defined.
The following is a list of some of the more distinct features of UTEXAS:
Accompanied by TexGraf4 program for displaying results.
New features: lateral unit weight variation, import of pore water pressure from GMS/SEEP2D, more shear strength options, ability to contour factors of safety, tension cracks[4]
UTEXAS3 - Released in 1990.
First version with multi-stage analysis.
Accompanied by GRAPHICS3 program for displaying results.