Troll Bridge
"Troll Bridge" is a Discworld short story, written by Terry Pratchett in 1991 for a collection entitled After The King: Stories in Honour of J.R.R. Tolkien. Set following the events of The Light Fantastic,[1] the story stars Cohen the Barbarian, who plans to prove himself by killing a troll in single combat. Instead, he and the troll find themselves reminiscing about how the Discworld used to be, when trolls all hid under bridges to be killed by heroes, and the land was not yet settled. FilmWhile interested in making a short film of Troll Bridge as early as 2004,[2] Snowgum Films slated it for release in 2015,[3] starring Don Bridges as Cohen.[citation needed] Fundraising included a Kickstarter campaign in 2011.[citation needed] The film premiered at Flickerfest in Sydney in January 2019,[4] and played at film festivals and fan conventions around the world ahead of its release to crowdfunding supporters in November 2019.[citation needed] It is now freely available on YouTube.[5] References
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