Triple Sensation
Triple Sensation is a reality television series produced by multi-Tony Award-winning producer Garth Drabinsky. Its first season debuted on October 7, 2007 on CBC Television, and its second season debuted on June 22, 2009. Over $250,000 in scholarship prizes are available, with an ultimate prize of a $150,000 scholarship award to attend the theatrical training institution of the first prize winner's choice: a school such as Juilliard, Carnegie Mellon, Yale, England's Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, or Canada's National Theatre School. Major scholarships were also available for the runners-up. Judges"The Marquee Panel" of judges consisted of the following five people:
First SeasonAuditions and CompetitionFirst auditions were held across the country in late 2006, from which selected participants were invited to audition for the Marquee Panel of judges at one of three sessions, held in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. From each of these auditions, only four contestants (two male and two female) were invited to the Master Class stage. The twelve finalists were:
The twelve finalists who reached the Master Class stage were brought together in Toronto during the summer of 2007. They were given a rigorous program of instruction in the three disciplines of acting, singing and dance, as well as other teaching that supported one or more of the disciplines (for example; clowning and Alexander Technique). At the end of each week they were graded, with the results posted for all twelve to see. After three weeks, the participants with the lowest scores for each gender were eliminated. The fourth week was devoted to workshop performances, in groups, in couples and solo. At its conclusion, four more finalists were eliminated, and two weeks later the remaining six contestants performed in front of a live audience of several hundred people at the Rose Theatre in Brampton, Ontario. The scholarship winners were:
Master ClassesSeveral theatre professionals were involved in teaching the Triple Sensation Master Classes, headlined by guest lecturers Chita Rivera and Joel Grey.[1] Among the faculty were:
Second SeasonThe twelve finalists were:
The scholarship winners were: