Tony Ballantyne (born 1972) is a British science fiction author known for his debut trilogy of novels, titled Recursion, Capacity and Divergence. He is also Assistant Headteacher and an Information Technology teacher at The Blue Coat School, Oldham and has been nominated for the BSFA Award for short fiction.[1]
Ballantyne, Tony (June 2014). "The Region of Jennifer". Analog Science Fiction and Fact. 134 (6): 46–56.
Ballantyne, Tony (October 2014). "Threshold". Analog Science Fiction and Fact. 134 (10): 28–42.
We Think Therefore We Are, edited by Peter Crowther (DAW)
Subterfuge, edited by Ian Whates (Newcon Press)
"Why are Rocks?" – Hub Issue 40, edited by Lee Harris
"Matthew's Passion" (with Eric Brown) – Kethani by Eric Brown (Solaris, 2008)
"Third Person" – The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, edited by George Mann (Solaris, 2007); Reprinted in The Year's Best SF 13, edited by David Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer
"Aristotle OS" – Fast Forward 1, edited by Lou Anders (PYR, 2007); Reprinted in THE YEAR's BEST SF 13, edited by David Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer