Todos los hombres sois iguales (lit.'All You Men Are the Same') is a Spanish comedy television series that originally aired on Telecinco from 23 September 1996 to 27 December 1998. Starring Josema Yuste, Tito Valverde and Luis Fernando Alvés, it consisted of the adaptation of the eponymous 1994 film to a television format.
The fiction tracks the vicissitudes of three divorced men living in the same apartment and seeking for the attention of the cleaner.[1]
The series was created by Joaquín Oristrell and it consisted of the adaptation of the eponymous 1994 film.[7][8][9] It was produced by BocaBoca.[10] Spanning across 5 seasons and 66 episodes,[11] the original broadcasting run lasted from 23 September 1996 to 27 December 1998.[12] The format was sold in Italy,[7] spawning a remake titled Tutti gli uomini sono uguali.