Tigirlily Gold, originally known as Tigirlily, is an American country music duo from North Dakota. The duo consists of sisters Kendra and Krista Slaubaugh.
Sisters Kendra and Krista Slaubaugh are natives of Hazen, North Dakota. The two began performing music as teenagers and crediting themselves as Tigirlily. The two also uploaded cover songs to YouTube before moving to Nashville, Tennessee, in 2017 to attend Belmont University. After graduating, they uploaded cover songs to TikTok during the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to them receiving attention on social media. Songwriter and record producer Shane McAnally discovered the duo and signed them to the Nashville branch of Monument Records, of which he is a co-owner. Monument released their self-titled EP in 2021.[1] Also at this point, they began performing at a Nashville bar owned by Dierks Bentley, and changed their name to Tigirlily Gold.[2]
In 2023, the duo released a second EP titled Blonde, which includes their debut radio single "Shoot Tequila",[3] which peaked at number 47 on BillboardCountry Airplay.[4] The duo released "I Tried a Ring On" as their second radio single in January 2024, and announced the release of their debut studio album, Blonde for July 26, 2024.[5]