This Tempting Madness
This Tempting Madness is an upcoming American psychological thriller film, directed by Jennifer E. Montgomery and co-wrote the screenplay with Andrew Davis. It stars Simone Ashley, Mojean Aria, Austin Stowell, Suraj Sharma, and Zenobia Shroff. PremiseA young woman awakens from a coma grievously injured, memory fractured, her husband arrested. But as she puts together the pieces of her past, she starts to question her own actions — and her perception of reality.[1] Cast
ProductionIn January 2024, it was reported that a psychological thriller film titled This Tempting Madness completed principal photography in Los Angeles, with Jennifer E. Montgomery directing and co-writing the screenplay with Andrew Davis. Simone Ashley, Mojean Aria, Austin Stowell, Suraj Sharma, and Zenobia Shroff joined the cast.[1][2] MusicRebekka Karijord had been hired to compose the score for the film.[3] References
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