Thief (TV series)
Thief is a 2006 American thriller crime drama miniseries starring Andre Braugher as Nick Atwater, a master thief and leader of a heist crew, balancing his personal life with the planning of a major heist. It aired on FX from March 28 to May 2. The pilot was originally ordered by Fox back in 2002, but didn't move forward until Braugher signed on. Despite critical acclaim, the show failed to garner significant ratings and FX declined to extend the series.[1] Each episode features a different song performed by multiple Grammy Award nominee Anthony Hamilton.[2] Cast and characters
Awards and nominationsOn August 27, 2006, at the 58th Primetime Emmy Awards, Andre Braugher won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or Movie for his portrayal of Nick Atwater, the second career Emmy for Braugher. Clifton Collins, Jr. was also nominated for his portrayal of Jack Hill for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or Movie. Braugher also received a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Miniseries or Television Film. References
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