The Waiting (film)
The Waiting is a 2020 American romance/horror/comedy written/directed by F.C.Rabbath (Director of A Brilliant Monster). The film stars Nick Leali, Molly Ratermann, David Raizor, Bob Myers, Bill Kelly, Bryan Perritt, Laura Altair, Michelle Feliciano, and Mark A. Marple. PlotEric Brady, a new hotel employee stumbling upon an open secret. One of the rooms is haunted. Eric decides it's both his and the hotel's best interest to help remove the ghost. However, when he meets the ghost, everything changes. Cast/Crew
Theatrical ReleasePlays in theaters March 12, 2021. A 4/5 rating from the famous Starburst magazine. Critical reception"The Waiting" Review - That Moment In The Waiting - Review "Scariest Things" ReferencesFlorida filmmaker, on heels of success, wraps production on genre blend ‘The Waiting’ External links