The Vanishing Triangle is a six-part television series created by Ivan Kavanagh. It is a dramatisation of true stories from Ireland's Vanishing Triangle. Distributed by Eccho Rights, it premiered on Sundance Now in the United States on 26 October 2023, and aired on Virgin Media One in Ireland on 25 March 2024 and Acorn TV in the United Kingdom on 29 April.[1]
It premiered on Australian television on Thursday 7 March 2024, on SBS.
India Mullen as Lisa Wallace, investigative journalist
The Vanishing Triangle was originally developed by Park Films and Screen Ireland. 87 Films and Paper Planes Productions boarded the project as it was commissioned by Virgin Media One and SundanceNow.[3] The series is created by Ivan Kavanagh, and co-written with Sally Tatchell and Rachel Anthony. Executive producers include actor Allen Leech, AnneMarie Naughton and Ana Habajec of Park Films, Patrick Irwin of 87 Films, Alon Aranya of Paper Plane Productions, and Adam Barth and Lucy Robert of Eccho Rights.
In September 2022, it was announced Allen Leech and India Mullen would lead the series.[4] Maura Foley and Kiera Crawford also joined the cast.[5]