The second season of the American television series The Traitors was announced on September 21, 2023.[1] The first three episodes premiered on Peacock on January 12, 2024.[2]
In the second season, two new areas have been added to the set: the scullery and the folley, a stone-covered area. In addition, rather than the contestants going to the armory, they would have to win Shields in challenges.[5]
Unlike the first season, this season's cast was composed entirely of noteworthy reality show participants and public figures. In addition to the preexisting relationships and rivalries between the contestants who have participated on the same show in the past, this season also includes a preexisting personal relationship between Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan, who were dating at the time of the show's production. It was revealed that season 1 contestant Kate Chastain would return as an intruder.[6]Big Brother 2 winner Will Kirby made a cameo hosting a challenge.
The contestant was immune at this Banishment and Murder
^After the roundtable in Episode 3, the Traitors were tasked to murder someone in plain sight, by getting their victim to drink from a "poisoned" chalice. Parvati was successful in getting a player, Ekin-Su, to drink from it. The following morning, the players were told that the victim's identity would be revealed at the end of the "Funeral Procession" challenge.
^At the end of episode 5, the Traitors decided to murder Bergie. However, Bergie secretly had won a shield during the previous mission and was spared from elimination.
^In Episode 1, the Traitors were given the opportunity to recruit a Faithful. The Faithful would then have the opportunity to accept or decline. Dan and Phaedra chose Parvati, and she accepted the offer.
^Instead of choosing to murder a player, the Traitors decided to offer Peter the opportunity to become a Traitor. He declined their offer.
^Following Parvati's banishment, Phaedra was offered the chance to meet a Faithful face-to-face and offer them an ultimatum: become a Traitor or be Murdered. She chose Kate, who accepted the offer.
^There was no Banishment in this episode. Instead, as the Shield winners for the round, Kevin & Sandra, had to initiate a chain of safety by conferring immunity to Murder to another contestant of their choice, with that contestant then choosing someone else to make immune, until five other contestants were selected for immunity, while the rest would be vunerable to be murdered.
^Peter's banishment was revealed in Episode 10 after the vote ended on a cliffhanger in Episode 9.
^Kate was introduced to the game in Episode 5. Upon her introduction, she could not be voted for or be murdered that night.
Money available
Money earned
Total pot
Shield winner
"Betrayers, Fakes and Fraudsters"
CT Deontay Janelle
Together, the 21 contestants worked together to build a giant beacon and set it alight in the middle of a loch, by gathering and rearranging the puzzle pieces for the beacon first. To guide the group, a replica of the puzzle was also hidden among bottles scattered along the loch shore. In order to set it ablaze, all players must have left the water; however, they were first tied up to a pole, and needed to untangle themselves first, and deciding whether to go for a Shield (two in the loch and one on land), start the puzzle or help someone untie themselves first. Completing the Mission within 40 minutes would earn the group $15,000.
"Welcome to the Dark Side"
The group of 21 contestants were split into three groups, each with their own marked paths. They encountered three questions about their fellow contestants based on a previously-completed questionnaire, with each possible option associated with a scarecrow that had a key on their neck. They had to guess the correct option, carry the scarecrow to a locked box and attempt to open it with the scarecrow's key. If they succeeded, they would be eventually guided to a 'field of gold' full of scarecrows, which they disassembled to try and find ten hidden gold coins. Additionally, three shields were hidden in scarecrows. The group had 30 minutes to complete entire mission and win up to $20,000.
"Murder in Plain Sight"
Janelle Peter Tamra
The 20 contestants had 15 minutes to find the gold hidden in the various graves, crypts and tombs in the cemetery at night. To find the gold, the contestants needed to use tools scattered around the cemetery to break things open. The gold would only be counted if it was placed in a wheelbarrow at the cemetery entrance. To make things more difficult, searchlights traversed across the cemetery; any contestant caught in them were immediately eliminated from the game and any gold they were carrying. Only 9 players were allowed to search at a time so the rest of the players were a substitute in case a player is caught and eliminated from the game. 3 shields were also hidden somewhere in the cemetery.
"The Funeral"
The contestants took a long and slow walk to the murdered contestant's final resting place; along the way, they were given a series of questions hinting at who was safe, allowing those who were the correct answer(s) to enter the carriage instead of walking with the procession, and eliminating them from consideration. The three contestants left then stepped into coffins at the burial plot, with the group voting on who they believe was murdered. If the majority could correctly guess which contestant was murdered, they earned $20,000 for the prize pot.
"A Killer Move"
Bergie Trishelle
The group of 13 contestants were split into three pairs of 'runners' who ran about the castle grounds with a marked map, and a group of seven that stayed behind in the castle. Within a time limit of 20 minutes, the runners located various stations, where they heard a bird call after blowing their whistles. They then imitated this call back to the castle group via radios; the castle group then had to search among various stuffed birds to find the one that made the right call, as well as where it could be found (with only one guess per bird call). Each correct bird call identified (with a maximum of 6) netted $2,500, alongside a bird in the Walled Garden that would net the runners that mimicked it shields if the castle group guessed it correctly.
"Backstab and Betrayal"
The 13 contestants had to make their way to an incomplete giant catapult, collecting catapult pieces along the way to fully assemble it. Once complete, they then had to fire a golden cannonball and make sure it hit the distant target to win $20,000. They had one hour to complete the Mission. Along the route, Shield cannonballs could also be collected, and each contestant holding these cannonballs would be eligible to fire them at the target as well. The contestant whose Shield cannonball came closest to the target bullseye would then win a Shield.
"Blood on Their Hands"
Kevin Sandra
The twelve remaining contestants were split into six pairs, and tasked with carrying $24,000 worth of gold through the woods. While making their way through the woods, each pair would encounter trivia or puzzle questions with two options they could pick from. They then had to follow a rope course based on their choice and have one member attempt to pick up a scroll along the way; if they were correct, they could continue on, but if they were wrong, they would be stuck in a bog or booby trap. The gold would only be banked if at least one member of each pair completed the course successfully. In addition, the pair that banked their gold the fastest would win Shields.
"Knives at Dawn"
The contestants were dropped off at a cabin in the woods and met legendary Big Brother player Will Kirby, where they found the entry to a network of escape tunnels, a map and instructions. Only five contestants could enter the tunnel at one time, while everyone else stayed behind to read the map, control the tunnel lights and communicate with those underground. The contestants had to locate gold hidden in various parts of the tunnel network, avoid any dead ends and escape the tunnels through a well within 30 minutes, all while avoiding a range of annoyances (both above and underground) meant to gross them out. Up to $20,000 could be discovered and won, but for every contestant left in the cabin or tunnels when time ran out (or chose to exit through the cabin door instead of the tunnel), $1,000 was deducted from the total. Additionally, a Shield was hidden in one of the tunnels.
"A Game of Death"
Each contestant had a stained glass window with their name on it. They then had to take turns to fire from a crossbow at a window of their choice. The contestants' task was to shatter all the windows except one - whoever's window was left standing would win a Shield. In the meantime, each missed crossbow shot before this was accomplished would cost the group $250 from a starting pot of $25,000.
"The Weight of Deceit"
The seven contestants had to dig up golden nuggets from a huge pile of dirt worth $150 each. They then had to cross a series of floating platforms to the other side of a pond and deposit the nuggets on the plate of a balance scale. They had 20 minutes to dig up, transport and deposit as many nuggets as they could, with up to $30,000 worth of gold hidden in the dirt, and any gold dropped into the water lost forever. A Shield was also hidden in the dirt, which could be banked by depositing it on the balance scale as well.
"One Final Hurdle"
Follow the path to the boat and raise the flag for $50,000. The players could take diversions along the path to find more flags to take to the boat, with a possible extra $10,000. If the players collected all of the flags and raised the flag they received the whole prize of $50,000.