The Top Secret Life of Edgar Briggs
The Top Secret Life of Edgar Briggs is a 25-minute British television comedy series created by Bernard McKenna and Richard Laing and produced by Humphrey Barclay for LWT. It was transmitted on the ITV network in 1974 and featured David Jason as the inept Edgar Briggs, personal assistant to the Commander of the British Secret Intelligence Service[1] who, in spite of his cluelessness (and ineptness), manages to solve case after case. Cast
ReceptionAccording to David Jason's biographers, Edgar Briggs was not a ratings success in Britain but proved popular in overseas markets. Nevertheless, Jason reportedly vetoed repeat screenings of the series for many years on the grounds that he "[knew] how raw he looked in those days" and was "not at all anxious to share that with his public."[2] DVD releaseThe complete series was released on DVD in March 2015.[3] References
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