The Suspect (TV series)
The Suspect is a British police procedural television series in five episodes based on Michael Robotham's 2004 novel The Suspect. Screenwritten by Peter Berry and produced by Natasha Romaniuk, the first episode aired on ITV on Monday 29 August 2022.[2] The thriller stars Aidan Turner in the title role of Joe O'Loughlin, a clinical psychologist.[3] The series was filmed during 2021 in various locations in London.[3] SynopsisA woman is found in a shallow grave in a cemetery. The postmortem reveals that she has been stabbed 21 times, self inflicted. Asked by the police for his advice on the crime, Joe O'Loughlin a clinical psychologist, reveals that the woman was a former patient and following a series of apparent coincidences and circumstantial evidence he becomes suspected of the murder.[2][4] Cast
Critical responseA review of the TV series in The Independent states "The dialogue is far too flimsy to effectively gloss over anything; plot holes fall out the characters’ mouths with a clang" but does admit to it being 'strangely compelling'.[7] References
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