The Short Oxford History of the Modern World
The Short Oxford History of the Modern World series is a book series published by the Oxford University Press publishing house.
Each book gives a comprehensive introduction to a particular period or theme in history.
The general editor for the series was J.M. Roberts.
List of Books in the Series
Title |
Author(s) |
Publishing date |
Other editions
Empire to Welfare State: English History, 1906-67 |
T.O. LLoyd |
June 11, 1970 |
1906-76, 2nd ed. (April 1979) 1906-85, 3rd ed. (October 16, 1986) 1906-92, 4th ed. (July 22, 1993) 1906-2001, 5th ed. (May 2, 2002)
The Crisis of Parliaments: English History, 1509-1660 |
Conrad Russell |
April 1, 1971 |
Endurance and Endeavour: Russian History, 1812-1971 |
J.N. Westwood |
February 15, 1973 |
1812-1980, 2nd ed. (December 1981 1812-1986, 3rd ed. (July 16, 1987) 1812-1992, 4th ed. (April 12, 1992) 1812-2001, 5th ed. (October 17, 2002)
The Old European Order, 1660-1800 |
William Doyle |
November 30, 1978 |
2nd ed. (November 26, 1992)
The Limits of Liberty: American History 1607-1980 |
Maldwyn A. Jones |
December 1983 |
1607-1992 (March 9, 1995)
The British Empire, 1558-1983 |
T.O. LLoyd |
October 1, 1984 |
1558-1995, 2nd ed. (November 21, 1996)
Modern India: The Origins of an Asian Democracy |
Judith Brown |
February 1985 |
2nd ed. (May 1, 1994)
Barricades and Borders: Europe, 1800-1914 |
Robert Gildea |
June 1, 1987 |
2nd ed. (March 1996) 3rd ed. (March 6, 2003)
Rebellions and Revolutions: China from the 1800s to the 1980s |
Jack Gray |
May 1, 1990 |
1800s to 2000, 2nd ed. (April 3, 2003)
British History 1815-1914 |
Norman McCord Bill Purdue |
May 23, 1991 |
2nd ed. (October 25, 2007)
The European Dynastic States, 1494-1660 |
Richard Bonney |
December 1, 1991 |
Albion Ascendant: English History 1660-1815 |
Wilfrid Prest |
June 4, 1998 |
The Pursuit of Power in Modern Japan, 1825-1995 |
Chushichi Tsuzuki |
April 13, 2000 |