The Retrieval
The Retrieval is a 2013 American drama film written and directed by Chris Eska. The film stars Ashton Sanders, Tishuan Scott, Keston John, Bill Oberst Jr., Christine Horn and Alfonso Freeman. The film was released on April 2, 2014, by Variance Films. The film centers around Will, a Black boy during the American Civil War, and Nate— a Black Union soldier who is the target of bounty hunters. Will has been forcibly pressed into a bounty hunter gang, because his age and assumed innocence are useful in luring unsuspecting targets in. He plots to deliver Nate from up North down to a prearranged location in the South for his gang to kill Nate, but along the way he struggles with this decision as Nate becomes more of a father figure. Cast
ReleaseThe film premiered at South by Southwest on March 11, 2013.[1] The film was released on April 2, 2014, by Variance Films.[2] See alsoReferences
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