1975 American animated television series
The Oddball Couple is an American animated television series that aired on ABC on Saturday mornings for 16 episodes from September 6 to December 20, 1975. The show was produced by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises , and was distributed by Viacom Enterprises .[ 1] It is an adaptation of the television sitcom The Odd Couple , which had ended its run that year, after five seasons on ABC.[ 2]
The Oddball Couple features the misadventures of a dog named Fleabag and cat named Spiffy, who live together under the same roof.[ 3] Spiffy is an orderly and polite cat who is a stickler for cleanliness and organization, and Fleabag is rude, obnoxious, lazy, untidy and very disorganized. Their disparate personalities are reflected in their house – which is one-half mansion and one-half dilapidated shack – and even in their car, which is half-pristine and half-junker. They have a secretary named Goldie Hound (a play on the name Goldie Hawn ) who works in the office they share. The show consists of two segments lasting 10 minutes each.
In the original Odd Couple series, Felix the neat freak was a photographer and slovenly Oscar was a sportswriter. In this series, Spiffy the neatnik is a writer and Fleabag the slob is a photographer.
Production credits
Story Editor : Bob Ogle
Writers : Bob Ogle , Joel Kane, David Detiege, Earl Kress, John W. Dunn
Supervising Director : Lew Marshall
Animation Directors : Gerry Chiniquy , Robert McKimson
Storyboard Directors : Bill Perez, Art Leonardi, Jan Green, Gary Hoffman
Graphic Design : Ric Gonzales, Gary Hoffman, Dick Ung, Al Wilson, Ken Landau, Coral Kerr, Adam Szwejkowski, Susan Scholefield
Animation : Norm McCabe , Bob Matz , Virgil Ross , Bob Bemiller, Bob Richardson , Jim Davis, Nelson Shin , Bill Numes, Don Williams , Joel Seibel, Bob Bransford, John Freeman , Bill Carney, Warren Batchelder , George Jorgensen, John Gibbs, Bob Goe
Background Supervised by : Richard H. Thomas
Backgrounds : Mary O'Loughlin, Don Watson
Ink and Paint Supervisor : Gertrude Timmins
Xerography : Greg Marshall
Film Editors Supervised by : Bob Gillis
Film Editors : Joe Siracusa, Rick Steward, Allan Potter
Voices : Paul Winchell , Frank Nelson , Joan Gerber , Frank Welker , Sarah Kennedy , Don Messick , Joe Besser , Ginny Tyler , Bob Holt
Music by : Doug Goodwin
Main Title Music Arranged by : Joe Siracusa
Conducted by : Eric Rodgers
In Charge of Production : Lee Gunther
Camera : Ray Lee, Larry Hogan, John Burton Jr.
Production Mixer : Steve Orr
Sound by : Producer's Sound Service, Inc.
This picture has made the jurdisction of I.A.T.S.E., affiliated with A.F.L.-C.L.O.
© MCMLXXV DePatie-Freleng Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Based Upon the Play "The Odd Couple" by Neil Simon
Produced by : David H. DePatie & Friz Freleng
DFE Films · A DePatie-Freleng Production
This series was released on DVD from CBS via Amazon's CreateSpace on December 30, 2017.[ 4] [ 5]
External links
Films Television series Television films
Founders Theatrical shorts (original) Commissioned by Warner Bros. Television shorts Television shows
The Super 6 (NBC, 1966–1969)
Super President (NBC, 1967–1968)
Here Comes The Grump (NBC, 1969–1970)
The Pink Panther Show (NBC, 1969–1971)
Doctor Dolittle (NBC, 1970–1971)
The New Pink Panther Show (NBC, 1971–1976)
The Barkleys (NBC, 1972–1973)
The Houndcats (NBC, 1972–1973)
Bailey's Comets (CBS, 1973–1975)
The Oddball Couple (ABC, 1975–1977)
Return to the Planet of the Apes (NBC, 1975–1976)
The Pink Panther Laugh and a Half-Hour and a Half Show (NBC, 1976–1977)
Baggy Pants and the Nitwits (NBC, 1977–1978)
What's New, Mr. Magoo? (CBS, 1977–1979)
Think! Pink Panther (NBC, 1978)
The All New Pink Panther Show (ABC, 1978–1979)
The Fantastic Four (NBC, 1978–1979)
Spider-Woman (ABC, 1979–1980)
Television specials Dr. Seuss Television specialsSee also
First-run animated series First-run live-action series Rebroadcasts Related topics