The series originally ran on CBC Television in Canada between February 6 and May 17, 2006. The Naughty Naughty Pets was part of a bid by the broadcaster to target older youth audiences in its children's programming alongside other new series like Yam Roll, The Morgan Waters Show and Mr. Meaty.[1] The channel initially skipped the show's seventh episode, "Heedley Pecked Me In The Eye", in their first run through the show for unexplained reasons. It later aired on June 12, 2006.[citation needed]
^Afan, Emily Claire (May 29, 2007). "NHK gets Naughty Naughty". kidscreen. Archived from the original on August 27, 2023. Retrieved September 29, 2024.
^"Sold!". Playback Online. December 18, 2006. Archived from the original on October 7, 2018. Retrieved September 29, 2024.