The Monsters Without is a 2021 Filipino science fictionfantasyadventure film written, directed and edited by Randal Kamradt. The film is set in a world where monsters known as Yablo exist, and follows the efforts of P.H.A.S.E., an international team of scientists and soldiers based in the Philippines, to stop an ancient Yablo named Nameless from forcibly sending the other Yablo back to their home dimension.
The Monsters Without had its world premiere at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival (LAAPFF) on October 1, 2021.[2][3] It received a theatrical release in the Philippines on April 27, 2023.[1]
The film was released theatrically in the Philippines on April 27, 2023.[1] It screened at the Cinelounge Sunset in Hollywood, California, from April 28 to May 4, 2023.[7] It is slated for release on video-on-demand (VOD) and digital platforms on July 11, 2023.[4]