The Men's Room
The Men's Room is a British television drama mini-series that was produced by the BBC and originally aired on BBC2 from 25 September to 23 October 1991. The series, which comprises five 50-minute episodes, was adapted by Laura Lamson[1] from Ann Oakley's 1989 novel of the same name, and stars Bill Nighy, Harriet Walter, Amanda Redman, Charlotte Cornwell and James Aubrey.[2] A black comedy and period piece set during the Thatcher years, it tells the story of an affair between two academics: a previously devoted wife and mother, Charity Walton (Walter), and a serial womanizer, Mark Carleton (Nighy).[2] Nighy credits the series as being his breakthrough role.[1] Cast
Home media releaseThe series was released on DVD in 2013.[2] References
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