The McLean Stevenson Show
The McLean Stevenson Show is an American sitcom that aired on NBC on Wednesday nights from December 1, 1976, to March 23, 1977. PremiseThe series centered on Mac Ferguson, the owner of a hardware store in Evanston, Illinois (McLean Stevenson's birth state). Mac lived with his wife Peggy and two grown children, divorced daughter Janet, and son Chris. Also living in the household were Janet's two children, David and Jason, and Mac's mother-in-law. Cast
Background and productionMcLean Stevenson left M*A*S*H in March 1975. He was signed to a one-year contract by NBC after doing so. A variety show he hosted in November of that year was not successful. Stevenson was approached in the spring of 1976 with an idea for a sitcom. Mac Ferguson, a hardware store owner, was framed as a nice guy, assailed on all sides, a man caught in the middle, and a chronic victim of circumstances – similar to the character he played as Lt. Col. Henry Blake in M*A*S*H.[3] The first seven episodes were taped, with the cast and production staff expecting the series to begin airing in January 1977. Then, some of the NBC program executives changed out, and it was insisted that one of the primary actors be replaced. Shortly after this, the premiere date was moved up from January to December 1.[3] As Stevenson explained, "They scrapped the first seven episodes and started from scratch...We've been working morning noon and night ever since. The minute we finish a show it's on the air. We're running as fast as we can. Nobody knows when or if we'll ever catch up."[3] The series was cancelled for the first time in mid-January 1977, and it was announced it would be replaced on February 9.[4] As Barbara Stuart explained, while a swan song party was underway for the cast and crew, word came through that The McLean Stevenson Show had instead been spared. "You would have expected us to start jumping up and down with excitement, but we all just sat there – probably because we'd all been through so much, we just couldn't get emotional about it any more."[5] Theme musicThe theme music was composed and performed by Paul Williams.[6] Episodes
Sources disagree on how many episodes were aired after the first ten;[7] however, numerous contemporary newspaper sources suggest that the last two episodes of the series were aired on March 9, and March 23, respectively. ReceptionIt was hoped that Stevenson's popularity on M*A*S*H would draw viewers in, but the actor's first starring vehicle failed to find an audience and was cancelled after three months. References
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