The Lineup (TV series)
The Lineup is an American police drama which aired on CBS radio from 1950 to 1953 and on CBS television from 1954 to 1960. Syndicated reruns of the series were broadcast under the title San Francisco Beat. RadioThe radio version depicted the investigations of Lieutenant Ben Guthrie (played by Bill Johnstone, one of several actors to play The Shadow on radio) and Sergeant Matt Greb (played by Wally Maher until his death on December 27, 1951), later replaced by Sergeant Pete Carger (played by Jack Moyles), detectives in the police force of an unnamed "great American city". The primary writer of the radio series was Blake Edwards. TelevisionThe television version was set specifically in San Francisco and was produced with the cooperation of the San Francisco Police Department, which received a credit at the close of each episode. It starred Warner Anderson as Guthrie and Tom Tully as Grebb. Grebb was now an inspector instead of a sergeant because at the time the series was made there was no such rank as sergeant in the Bureau of Inspectors, SFPD's investigative division, and a full inspector was the closest equivalent to the generic detective sergeant the character had been on radio. The TV version, a CBS Television production, was filmed on location, using Desilu's production facilities. In the final season, the show expanded to an hour, and the Grebb character was replaced by a number of younger officers, including Policewoman Sandy McAllister (played by Rachel Ames).[3] Others in the cast were Jan Brooks, Bob Palmer, Skip Ward, William Leslie, Tod Burton, Marshall Reed, and Ruta Lee. The announcer was Art Gilmore.[4] The Lineup was a Top 20 Nielsen ratings hit for three of its six seasons during its original network run. The series finished at number 17 in the Nielsen ratings for the 1955–1956 season, at number 16 for 1956–1957 and at number 18 for 1957–1958.[5] It received an Emmy nomination for Best Action or Adventure Series in 1956.[6] Cast
EpisodesSeason 1: 1954–55
Season 2: 1955–56
Season 3: 1956–57
Season 4: 1957–58
Season 5: 1958–59
Season 6: 1959–60
Guest stars
Film versionThe film The Lineup, based on the series, was released in 1958 by Columbia Pictures, with Eli Wallach in the starring role. It was directed by Don Siegel, who had also directed "The Paisley Gang", the pilot episode of the television series. References
External links