The Last White Dishwasher is a 2008 mockumentary short film, based on an original concept by Carlos Alazraqui, and written and directed by Claudia Duran. It tells the story of the "last white dishwasher in America." It was featured at the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival on October 14, 2009.[1]
Bobby Ray Jacobs (Carlos Alazraqui), a Southern man, is the sole remaining Caucasian dishwasher in America, and is surprisingly famous for it. The dishwasher career is a legacy for his family, starting with his grandfather. The film depicts several interviews with Bobby Ray and many of his friends, including his agent Rudy Valentine (Lombardo Boyer) and his British girlfriend Tamara Swanson (Tara Strong), explaining how he got his job and how he got to be where he is today.
Carlos Alazraqui as Bobby Ray Jacobs, the title character. He is the last white dishwasher in America.
Lombardo Boyar as Rudy Valentine, Bobby Ray's agent, and the restaurant manager.
Tara Strong as Tamara Swanson, Bobby's girlfriend from London.