The Last Days of Dinosaurs (book)
The Last Days of Dinosaurs (in Czech original Poslední dny dinosaurů) is a science-fiction thriller from Czech writer and science promoter Vladimír Socha.[1] Its story is about four audacious people who undergo a time travel to the very end of the Cretaceous period 66 million years ago. Not only must they find a way how to evade the Armageddon caused by the giant asteroid (Chicxulub) impact, they also have to save themselves from the dangerous theropod dinosaurs (like Tyrannosaurus or Dakotaraptor) and even a mad scientist who wants to change the course of evolution history on Earth.[2] But even that is not the most impressive mystery the visitors from the future encounter in the last two days of a mesozoic era... The book was published on May 6, 2016 by Prague-based Radioservis (publisher of the Czech Radio). It has 320 pages, hard cover and its size is 21 x 14 cm.[3] The story takes place in prehistoric Montana at the end of the Cretaceous, in what is now known as the ecosystem of the Hell Creek formation. ReferencesSources