The King's Messengers
The King's Messengers is an American teen drama mini-series produced by Crystal Creek Media that will premiere on the PureFlix platform. It centers on Anwaar Osem (Christopher Veldhuizen) and David Sutherland (Daniel Knudsen), two refugees trying to survive in the fictional war-torn country of Zanora. The series was awarded a Dove seal of family approval from the Dove Foundation.[1] PlotAnwaar's parents were killed during an air raid led by forces fighting for political control of Zanora. He flees to the northern forest to escape a corrupt regime as well as the dangerous Resistance Army. While hiding out and surviving in the woods he meets David Sutherland, a fellow refugee who is also trying to escape the Resistance Army. Anwaar questions David on a computer that David has, however David will not reveal any information to Anwaar. After a close call with a Resistance soldier, David reveals that his brother Allen gave him the computer and it has something important on it. David himself does not know what the computer contains as it was entrusted to him while he narrowly escaped during a raid on the British consulate by the Resistance Army. Anwaar convinces David to do a webcast with the computer and eventually the two become friends. Cast and charactersMain
EpisodesSeason 1: 2017–2017
ProductionPrincipal photography for The King’s Messengers took place during the summer of 2016. Most of the show was filmed on location near Detroit, Michigan with additional photography taking place in New York City. Crystal Creek Media released a trailer for the series on June 19, 2017.[2] ReceptionThe first four episodes premiered as a film at the 2017 Christian Worldview Film Festival.[3] The mini-series also received a five-Dove review rating from the Dove Foundation.[4] References
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