The Fierce Battles of Edo
Edo no Gekito (江戸の激斗) is a Japanese jidaigeki or period drama that was broadcast in 1979.[1] It aired on Nippon Golden Network as The Fierce Battles of Edo. This drama was inspired by Akira Kurosawa's 1954 film Seven Samurai[2] and produced by the same film company. The lead stars are Keiju Kobayashi and Shigeru Tsuyuguchi.[3] PlotHanasaki (Kobayashi) and Kemanai (Tsuyuguchi) are Yoriki of Edo machi-bugyō. One day, bugyō orders them to establish an unofficial battle group of ronin to protect Edo city from villains.[4] The battle group is called Edo no Yougekitai. Ronin receive 5 kobans from Edo machi-bugyō as a reward for each battle.[5] Cast