The film revolves around the life of Emeka (Mike Ezuruonye), who is "on the edge of life" as he battles, not only to save his wife, Adaku (Omoni Oboli) and their unborn baby, but also his investment of ₦12 million, inadvertently, in a cemetery, glorified as a duplex.[3]
The official trailer of The Duplex was released online in July 2014.[4][5] The film was released in selected cinemas on 6 March 2015.[6]
Critical reception
Amarachukwu Iwuala of 360Nobs panned everything about the film, stating: "There is really nothing the best cast in the world can do to a film, whose story and screening lack depth as we see in The Duplex. Rather, the half-baked work will drag them down to its level. Some film-makers should make a conscious effort to entertain rather than punish their viewers with trivial-round movies".[7]