The Diary of Anne Frank (1980 film)
The Diary of Anne Frank is a 1980 American made-for-television biographical drama film which originally aired on NBC on November 17, 1980. Like the 1959 film of the same title, it was written by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett and directed by Boris Sagal. Unlike the 1959 film, the TV-film focuses more on character development than suspense, and is considerably shorter than the 1959 version. In this version, Melissa Gilbert plays Anne Frank. The film received mixed reviews since its premiere. Cast
AwardsThe film was nominated for one Golden Globe award in 1981, for Best Mini-Series or Motion Picture Made for TV. It was nominated for three Emmy awards, also in 1981, for Outstanding Achievement in Makeup (Scott H. Eddo and Stanley Smith), Outstanding Cinematography for a Limited Series or a Special (Ted Voigtlander) and Outstanding Individual Achievement - Special Class (Rita Bennett, women's costumer, and Bill Blackburn, men's costumer). External links |