The Detonators (TV series)
The Detonators is a reality series documentary which aired on the Discovery Channel. The program featured the thought process and procedures in performing demolition through the use of explosives. The show was hosted by two demolition experts: Dr. Braden Lusk, an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky College of Engineering, and Dr. Paul Worsey, professor and director of explosives engineering education at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Lusk and Worsey gave the viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the science of destroying large structures without damaging the surrounding buildings and landscapes. The Detonators consisted of a single season with 13 episodes airing between January and July 2009. No additional episodes have been produced since. Episode list
Broadcast AiringsRepeats of the series aired on the digital broadcast network Quest in mid-2020; however, the network says "No upcoming air dates currently scheduled for this program."[2] References
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