The Demons of Ludlow
The Demons of Ludlow is a 1983 American horror film directed and produced by Bill Rebane. The plot revolves around murderous pilgrim demons that lurk inside an antique piano. Plot
The town of Ludlow has a dark past and when a piano arrives, demons come out to terrorize. Cast
Home mediaThe Demons of Ludlow was released on DVD by Video International on March 17, 2008.[1] It was also released on Blu-ray on June 1, 2020, as a part of Arrow Video's Weird Wisconsin: The Bill Rebane Collection boxset.[2] Reception
TV Guide awarded the film 2/5 stars, stating that the film had "Occasional unsettling moments, but [was] nothing special."[3] Drew Beard from panned the film, criticizing the film's acting, lack of production values, and incoherence, stating: "The Demons of Ludlow will please only viewers with highly developed camp sensibilities".[4] References
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