The Crew (1995 TV series)
The Crew is an American sitcom television series that aired on Fox from August 31, 1995, to June 30, 1996. PremiseThe show follows the lives of a group of flight attendants working for the fictitious Regency Airlines. Jess Jameson and Maggie Reynolds work together and are roommates in the trendy South Beach section of Miami Beach, Florida. Their other friends include Paul, who is gay; Randy, a southern ladies' man; Lenora, a former flight attendant; MacArthur, the bartender of Mambo Mambo, the restaurant at which the cast socialize; and Captain Rex Parker. Cast
Production historyThe series was created by Marc Cherry, Jamie Wooten, John Pardee and Joey Murphy, with Cherry and Wooten as executive producers. Music production team Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman, aka Wendy & Lisa, produced and sang the opening title for the series. Episodes
ReceptionTom Shales for The Washington Post gave the show a negative review, calling it a clone of NBC's Friends.[1] References
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