The Crayon Box
The Crayon Box is an American live-action/animated children's television series that was aired in syndication from 1997 to 1998, based on a poem by Shane DeRolf. The show followed Bananas in Pajamas as part of a 30-minute double-show, with each show being 15 minutes.[1] The show's tagline was "A Good Show Helping to Build Great Kids". There were many characters beside the crayon characters, that were both live-action puppets, and animated. The series was produced by Chiodo Bros. Productions, Sunbow Entertainment, Random House and PolyGram Television and its double-program was produced by Sachs Family Entertainment. In Canada, it was shown on YTV.[2] Characters
AdaptationsA book known as The Crayon Box that Talked was published on October 21, 1997 by Random House, written by Shane DeRolf, and illustrated by Michael Letzig. ReferencesExternal links |