The Cockfields
The Cockfields is a British television sitcom created by Joe Wilkinson and David Earl, and produced by Yellow Door Productions for Gold. It aired over two series from 12 November 2019 until 12 November 2021, including a Christmas special, for a total of 10 episodes. In 2023, the first series was shown on BBC Two. Set on the Isle of Wight, it stars Wilkinson as Simon and Diane Morgan as his girlfriend Donna. The show begins with Simon and Donna returning to Simon's home to visit his family for his fortieth birthday. Sue Johnston plays Simon's mother Sue, Bobby Ball as his stepfather Ray, and Ben Rufus Green as his stepbrother David. The cast also includes Nigel Havers as Larry (Simon's father), and Sarah Parish as Melissa (Larry's girlfriend).[1][2] Series 2 commenced with Simon again visiting the Isle of Wight, this time with new fiancée Esther (Susannah Fielding). Gregor Fisher takes over the role of Ray,[3] following the death of Bobby Ball in October 2020. A Christmas special was broadcast on 13 December 2021. Cast and characters
EpisodesSeries 1 (2019)
Series 2 (2021)
External links