The Birthday Boy
The Birthday Boy is a 2024 Indian Telugu-language thriller film written and directed by Whisky. The film has an ensemble cast of Ravi Krishna, Sameer Malla,Vikranth Ved, Raja Ashok Vallamsetty, Sai Arun, Rahul Chilampalli and Mani Vaaka. The Birthday Boy was released on 19 July 2024.[1] PlotFive childhood friends went abroad to pursue higher education. While celebrating their friend's birthday, an incident turns their lives upside down. The whole story revolves around the incident. Cast
ProductionDuring a media interaction, director Whisky told that the film was inspired from the events that occurred in 2016, and took four years to begin working on the film, starting in 2020.[2][3] MusicThe film's soundtrack album and background score were composed by Prashanth Srinivas. The promotional song "The Birthday Boy Ki Jathare" was composed by Manish Kumar. Audio rights of the film were acquired and distributed by Madhura Audio.
Release and receptionThe Birthday Boy was released on 19 July 2024.[4] Post-theatrical digital streaming rights were acquired by Aha and was premiered on 9 August 2024.[5] gave a rating of 2.75 out of 5 and wrote that " The Birthday Boy film narrates a crime that was never reported".[6] References
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