The Appearing
The Appearing is a 2014 American supernatural horror film directed by Daric Gates and starring Will Wallace, Dean Cain, Don Swayze, Quinton Aaron, Emily Brooks and Wolfgang Bodison.[3] Cast
ReceptionMatt Molgaard of Horror Freak News wrote that the film "isn’t smooth, and it isn’t steady. It’s more like a wheelin’ session with your best buddy in his brand new, lifted truck. It’s everywhere. It’s dirty. And you never know when it may just roll right over, or get stuck in knee-high muck."[4] Lizzie Duncan of wrote that the film "is a fairly average film with no big scares in it and only a moderate twist at the end. It’s not terrible, but not too great either. Nothing was overtly ‘wrong’ with the film, but it could have been explored in a more coherent, gripping manner."[5] References
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