The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian is a serialized science fiction podcast about an 8-year-old and his friends exploring space and solving mysteries together.[5] It is written and produced by Jonathan Messinger.
The podcast's story follows the adventures of an 8-year-old named Finn Caspian and his three friends Abigail, Elias, and Vale as they explore different planets in the famous Interplanetary Exploratory Space Station called Marlowe 280. Along the way, Caspian and his friends, who are all part of the Explorer Troop 301, encounter mysteries and help aliens.[6]
The podcast is recorded by Jonathan Messinger and his son Griffin in the basement of their home in Portage Park, Chicago. Jonathan Messinger founded a kids podcast company called Typedrawer Media that started out with Finn Caspian. The podcast has also been a part of Gen-Z Media and was later acquired by MiMO Studios.[7][3]
Frannie Ucciferri wrote in The Washington Post that the show "is perfect for long car rides."[9] Jen McGuire made a similar comment in Romper saying that the podcast is "perfect for driving around town with the family."[10] Janelle Randazza of Reviewed said the podcast "is perfectly gripping and a great choice".[6] The show won the 2017 Academy of Podcasters award for best kids and family podcast.[11]
In 2020, the podcast was acquired by MiMO studio with the intention to adapt the podcast into animated TV-length movies.[3]
Messinger has also released four books based on the podcast.[12]