A few kilometers southwest of Terpni, on the hill named Palaiokastro, are preserved the ruins of an ancient settlement identified with the Roman waystation (mutatio) Graero, known from the Roman itineraries.[3]
From a Greek inscription of Roman imperial times, we are informed that this settlement had the size of a city (polis) with all its known architectural monuments (bouleuterion, gymnasium, etc.).[4]
^[1] D. C. Samsaris, Historical Geography of Eastern Macedonia during the Antiquity (in Greek), Thessaloniki 1976 (Society for Macedonian Studies), p. 117-118. ISBN960-7265-16-5
^D. C. Samsaris, La vallée du Bas-Strymon á l’ époque impériale (Contribution épigraphique á la topographie, l’ onomastique, l’ histoire et aux cultes de la province romaine de Macédoine), Δωδώνη 18(1989), τεύχ. 1, σ. 222-223, αρ. 17 = The Packard Humanities Institute (Samsaris, Bas-Strymon 17, # PH150654)-[2] Δ. Κ. Σαμσάρης, Ανέκδοτη επιγραφή των αυτοκρατορικών χρόνων από την Τερπνή Νιγρίτας, "Μακεδονικά" 20 (1980) 1-8