TennōkiTennōki (天皇記, Record of the Emperor), alternatively known as Sumera Mikoto no Fumi, is a historical text purported to have been written in 620 by Shōtoku Taishi and Soga no Umako. It is recorded in the Nihon Shoki, but no extant copies are known to exist. According to the Nihon Shoki,[1]
During the Isshi Incident in 645, the residence of Soga no Emishi (a successor of Soga no Umako) was burned down. The Nihon Shoki records that the Kokki burned along with the Tennōki, but only the Kokki was saved.[2]
In 2005, the remains of a building which may have been Soga no Iruka's residence were discovered in Nara. This discovery is consistent with the description found in Nihon Shoki.[3][4] See alsoNotes