Template Template processor Template (C++) Template engine Web template system Template method pattern Template metaprogramming Partial template specialization Jinja (template engine) Template reaction Template (file format) Template (auto racing) Comparison of web template engines URI Template Curiously recurring template pattern Java Agent Template Mustache (template system) Variadic template Template Attribute Language Active Template Library Template modeling score Template matching Administrative Template Bayesian estimation of templates in computational anatomy Standard Template Library Template generator Template Toolkit Genshi (templating…

g language) Template Gothic JavaScript templating Twig (template engine) Nucleic acid templated chemistry Generic programming Mako (template engine) Template Haskell Template (novel) Open Power Template Template system Template-switching polymerase chain reaction Smarty (template engine) Phrasal template Text Template Transformation Toolkit List of C++ template libraries Template (word processing) Windows Template Library Geometry template Template-guided self-assembly Template Numerical Toolkit Oracle Template Library Matrix Tem

plate Library Lettering guide Emin (esoteric movement) Ordered two-template relay History of the Standard Template Library Voluntary Product Accessibility Template CheetahTemplate Expression templates String interpolation Fantasy Squares Grid Sheets and Mapers Aid Template Video Ad Serving Template Windows App Studio ERuby XSLT Template network Coding strand DNA-templated organic synthesis Single-cell DNA template strand sequencing Orthopaedic templating Test Template Framework STEP Library Zope Model–view–controller Prostate biopsy DNA replication Supramolecular chemistry Tiffany Brar Pattern recognition (psychology) MediaWiki Google Closure Tools Transcri