Teen Wolf (franchise)
The Teen Wolf franchise consists of American supernatural-teen drama installments released through various media including: two theatrical films and an animated television series based on the movies; a live-action reboot show, its streaming exclusive movie continuation, and a spin-off series which follows the ending of the film. Based on an original story by Jeph Loeb and Matthew Weisman, the plot of each release centers around adolescent individuals who are not a part of the popular crowd amongst their peers, whose lives change once they become werewolves allowing them to gain superhuman abilities. The franchise additionally includes a 1989 standalone spin-off film that was initially released in theaters which centers around a teenage witch, as well as its stage musical adaptation. The franchise has been met with mixed reception critically.[1][2][3][4][5][6] The 1985 original movie was met with a muddled critical acknowledgement with mixed praise upon release,[7] while conversely its sequel received mostly negative response.[8] Despite this, both films turned a profit at the box office for the studio.[9][10] The 1989 standalone spin-off movie was a critical and financial failure upon release, though subsequent re-releases as well as television airings have accumulated a strong fanbase,[11] with the film earning its status as a cult classic by modern analysis.[12] The animated series was produced by one of Hanna-Barbera's animation studios and received warm reception from viewers, which lead to a second season being greenlit and developed to include the lead characters of the original movies meeting on screen.[13] The reimagied dark and gritty live-action reboot television series received positive reception from critics and audiences alike,[5] allowing the network to renew the show for six seasons.[14] The 2023 revival streaming film which continued the story from the series was also met with mixed reception from critics who ranged from praising its use of fan service,[15][16] to critiquing its delivery.[17] Films
Teen Wolf (1985)Scott Howard, a socially awkward but smart high school student, struggles to fit in with his peers. Though he is successful in his education, he has a hard time fitting in. After some unusual changes in his physique cause him to question his reality, his entire life changes when his father Harold tells him that he is experiencing lyncanthropy due to a family curse. Scott resolves to use his newfound strength and agility to his advantage, by joining the school basketball team. He quickly becomes a valuable player and an all-star athlete on the team, gaining the affection of his long-time romantic interest Pamela Wells. Just as their romance begins to thrive and he begins find the attention of his classmates that he's always wanted, he begins to question their sincerity. As Scott wonders when he can begin to understand himself, he must decide whether his popularity or his secret true-self is most important.[18][7] Teen Wolf Too (1987)Todd Howard is unpopular and uncoordinated, but like his cousin Scott he is exceptionally advanced and adept in his studies. When he discovers that he too has the hereditary nature of a lycan, his life changes and he begins to realize the social acceptance and praise he has always wanted. With his increased physical strength, Todd quickly becomes an athletic star boxing contender. Following some outstanding physical feats during some fight matches, he receives a college scholarship on the condition that he wins an upcoming boxing championship. Alongside the fame and recognition, Todd acquires the attention of the university's attractive women as well. Despite this, he begins to wonder if the cost of stardom is really what he truly desires in his life.[8][19][20] Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023)Following the events of the television series, Scott McCall who was once an adolescent alpha werewolf among his pack, must rise to the occasion and overcome all odds when a new wicked threat gains power. Beacon Hill is no longer safe to its residents, as the enemy begins to build a team of returning horrific shapeshifting creatures; an army including banshees, werecoyotes, hellhounds, and kitsunes, among others. Once again serving as a leader, Scott races to find a way to defeat the most powerful growing evil he has ever encountered, with the help of old friends and a group of new allies to aid him in his battle.[15][21][22][23][17][24][16] Potential futureIn January 2023, Davis stated that he was open to developing future projects but that their realizing depends on the reception of Teen Wolf: The Movie.[25] He stated that the future of the franchise would center around the son of the character Derek Hale, named Eli (portrayed by Vince Mattis);[26] while announcing that discussions for sequel films, as well as additional television shows have been discussed. The filmmaker stated that the associated studios look to Teen Wolf as a significant source for franchise expansion, attributing the resurgence of popularity to streaming media. He expressed interest in featuring additional characters from the series that didn't appear in the film, while again stating that Eli Hale is intended to be the "new teen wolf".[27][28] The same month Tyler Posey and Crystal Reed expressed excitement for reprising their starring roles again, with interest in exploring the adult experiences of the characters in the future. Davis additionally stated that he is interested in overseeing future installments being developed by other writers developing future installments, with him overseeing the franchise in a shepherding role instead.[29] Television
Teen Wolf: The Animated Series (1986–1987)Scott Howard is an upstanding and well-behaved young man who deals with a frightening situation that includes a family secret. Due to a curse upon his progenitors, his entire family consists of werewolves, and hide their true nature while in public. Through the difficulties of adolescence, Scott confides in his closest friends and trusts that they will help him in the unexpected event that he begins to transform and "wolf out" in the presence of others.[30][13][31] Teen Wolf (2011–2017)Developed as a reboot of the franchise, Teen Wolf was produced by MTV and debuted in 2011. Created, written, and helmed by Jeff Davis, the series plot centered around a high school student named Scott McCall who is lacking in status amongst his contemporaries. He lives in the fictional city of Beacon Hills in California with his mother, and seeks for ways to thrive amongst his class. One night his life is completely changed after receiving a bite from an alpha werewolf. Gaining superhuman abilities and supernatural gifts, McCall starts to gain the attention he always wanted of those around him including his love interest named Allison Argent. Unfortunately for him, she is the daughter in a family of werewolf hunters. With the help of his best friend Stiles, Scott uses his wolf-form to protect his hometown from the evil creatures and entities that are drawn to it. As they combat the hoard of spooky assailants, they form a group of friends to aid them in defending their city; including a banshee named Lydia, a natural born werewolf named Derek, a werecoyote named Malia, a kitsune named Kira, and a younger werewolf named Liam. All the while Scott fights to protect his family, his friends, and the citizens of his town.[32][33] Digital series
A short-form digital series titled, Teen Wolf: Search for a Cure was released in 2011. The series was written and helmed by Jeff Davis, and stars Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien reprising their respective roles from the Teen Wolf series. The plot runs simultaneously with the first season of the television series, and centers around best friends Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski, and their search for a cure to the curse of the werewolf bite that has changed McCall. The search brings the pair in contact with Dr. Conrad Fenris. The digi-series was a joint-venture production between MEC Entertainment, Generate Studios, AT&T, and MTV; while distribution was handled in collaboration by AT&T's social media page, as well as MTV's official website.[34][35] Recurring cast and charactersList indicators
This section includes characters who will appear or have appeared in more than two films in the series.
Additional crew and production details
ReceptionBox office and financial performance
Critical and public response
Cancelled and repurposed projectsSequelA third film, serving as a sequel to Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf Too, was originally in development with Alyssa Milano cast in the lead role, though it was never officially green-lit by the studio and never materialized.[47] Related film
Originally intended to serve as a spin-off film directly connected to the original two Teen Wolf films, Teen Witch was repurposed to be a standalone story instead. Starring Robyn Lively, the plot, similar in structure to the Teen Wolf movies, centers around an adolescent witch in comedic situations at high school. In addition, the movie also incorporates the use of musical numbers.[47][48][11] Though initially poorly received by critics, the film has since garnered a cult status following midnight theater screenings and its inclusion in ABC Family / Freeform annual 31 Nights of Halloween event.[12][49] AdaptationsIn 2007, it was discovered that master audio tapes of the original soundtrack to Teen Witch had been misplaced. Due to the high demand from the film's growing fanbase for a soundtrack album, Larry and Tom Weir were commissioned by Caption Records to develop new recordings with an all-new cast. Alana Lambros produced the recording with intentions to expand the project into a Broadway stage musical titled Teen Witch: The Musical.[50][51][52][53] The show and its songs were performed at radio station events, parks, and county fairs that summer; despite intentions for a wide release, the stage production never received a large venue debut.[52] In April 2008, it was announced that United Artists was developing a remake film adaptation. Ashley Tisdale was cast in the leading role as Louise Miller, a successful student lacking in social status who discovers she is the descendant of witches and has mystical abilities. A script was in development at that time.[54][55][56][57] NotesReferences