T. Parker HostT. Parker Host is a Norfolk, Virginia based shipping company founded in 1923 by T. Parker Host Sr.[1] The company operates or owns over thirty sea, docking and stevedoring sites.[2] The company maintains more than 15 locations across the eastern United States[3] and serves in North America and Colombia.[4] Host is one of the largest bulk agents in the United States.[5] Purchases and partnershipsIn 2016, the company became the exclusive marine terminal operator for Tradepoint Atlantic, a 3,300-acre global logistics center in Baltimore, Maryland.[6] They signed a 10-year agreement for Host Terminals to oversee all of the marine cargo operations at the Baltimore County site.[7][8] In 2017, the company acquired CWT commodities to form Host Logistics.[9] In 2018, they partnered with Hilco Global to purchase the former site of the Avondale Shipyard in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana which includes over 7900 feet of deep water riverfront access.[10] In 2020, they were awarded over $9.8 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation towards the remodeling of the Avondale Shipyard into a modern cargo dock.[11] References