Supernova (2005 film)
Supernova is a 2005 television miniseries directed by John Harrison and featuring an ensemble cast led by Luke Perry and Peter Fonda. It originally aired on the Hallmark Channel. The series is of the disaster genre and has a large number of special effects. It was filmed on location in Cape Town, South Africa and Sydney, Australia. Plot summaryA worldwide scientific conference is taking place in Sydney, Australia when Dr. Austin Shepard (Peter Fonda) suddenly disappears. Dr. Shepard's colleague, Christopher Richardson (Luke Perry) and other individuals are soon faced with the reality of an impending crisis and an attempt to keep the information from the public. While a full-blown supernova does not occur, explosions on the Sun cause massive damage in Australia and in various other parts of the world. During the impending chaos an old enemy of Richardson's wife escapes from prison and immediately sets out to kill her and her daughter. Cast
Locations in the filmThe film features many scenes of worldwide devastation. Notable locations include:
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