Super Fan (game show)
Super Fan is an Indian celebrity game show hosted by film critic and television anchor, Anupama Chopra. The show is produced by the Film Companion and debuted on Flipkart Video on 10 July 2020. Super Fan is an original series on Flipkart Video and is aired weekly on Flipkart app, where viewers are asked questions about celebrities. The first episode was aired on 10 July 2020, featuring Kareena Kapoor. The next set of celebrities include Jacqueline Fernandez, Tapsee Pannu, Sara Ali Khan, Ananya Pandey, and so on.[1][2] OverviewSuper Fan is an interactive celebrity game show which is aired every Friday on Flipkart. It is 10–12 minutes long. In every episode, a celebrity guest takes part in the show. Each celebrity will ask the fans certain questions about their lives which are not popularly known. Celebrity will reveal the answers in the same episode itself and fans will get intricate insights on the Celeb’s personal lives.[3] The audience gets a week to play and submits their answers.[4][5] Show formatThe show begins with Anupama Chopra introducing the celebrity of the week, followed by a direct to camera video of the celebrity. The celebrity does a small message for all of his/her fans and then jumps into asking 10 questions about themselves that only their superfan would know. Regular segmentsThe questions are divided into three segments.
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