The Sulmtaler is an Austrian breed of domestic chicken. It originates in the Sulmtal, the valley of the Sulm river, in southern Styria, in the south-east of Austria, and takes its name from that valley.[3] HistoryLike the Altsteirer, the Sulmtaler derives from the country chickens raised in Styria, particularly in the Kainachtal, the Lassnitztal, the Sulmtal and the Saggautal.[4] In the second half of the nineteenth century these were subjected to massive cross-breeding with imported Cochin, Dorking and Houdan stock to create heavy meat birds for fattening.[4] In about 1900 some breeders brought together the small remaining stock of chickens of the former type, and the original breed was reconstituted.[1] CharacteristicsSulmtaler is a hardy dual-purpose breed, kept both for eggs and meat. Cocks weigh 3–4 kg and hens 2.5–3.5 kg. Hens are non-sitters, and lay 130-180 eggs of about 55 g in weight per year.[1] The Sulmtaler is raised almost exclusively in the gold wheaten colour variety,[5] and this was the only colour standardised in 1958.[1] A white variety was created in the German Democratic Republic after the Second World War.[1] Silver wheaten and blue wheaten varieties were accepted in Austria in 2013.[citation needed] Silver-blue wheaten is not yet accepted.[1] References