Sugar and Toys
Sugar and Toys is an American animated/live-action television series produced by Fuse and premiered on June 9, 2019. On April 9, 2020, the series was renewed for a second season of six episodes. The second season premiered on September 20, 2020.[1][2] PlotThe series follows an assortment of animated shorts based on children's programming, with live-action segments featuring Kyle. Characters and recurring segmentsLive-actionKyle's Living RoomThese segments feature Kyle in his living room, occasionally with a guest (mostly Dumbfoundead and Jalen) doing something related to the episodes' title. CommercialsEach episode of the series a fake commercial advertising board games, cereals, dolls and more. Each fake commercial feature kids. AnimatedYe, Yeezy and YeezusThese shorts feature three different versions of Kanye West. The Lost DreamersThese shorts feature a Mexican-American family who is transported back to the ancient San Bernardino and must find a way back. DrizzyShorts featuring an animated version of Drake. The Lil's"Lil" versions of Lil Baby, Lil Pump, Lil Uzi Vert, Lil Xan, Lil Wayne, and Lil Yachty must escape from a kids' bedroom after being shrunk down to doll size. Clue's CluesShorts revolving Blue's Clues characters Steve and Blue, as if they were Crips. ProductionThe series was picked up on December 11, 2018 by Fuse.[3] EpisodesSeries overview
Season 1 (2019)
Season 2 (2020)In April 2020, the series was renewed for a second season of six episodes. It premiered on September 20, 2020.
BroadcastThe series airs Sundays at 11pm ET/8pm PT on Fuse. The series is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video[5] and Tubi.[6] References