Strike Counter-Strike Strike action General strike Great Railroad Strike of 1922 Farah strike Rolling strike Winnipeg general strike Pilbara strike Flint sit-down strike Pullman Strike 1934 West Coast waterfront strike Strike rate Anthracite coal strike of 1902 Seattle General Strike Westmoreland County coal strike of 1910–1911 Tenants' strike of 1907 Strike (attack) Strike pay Burston Strike School 1970 United States postal strike 1978 Inco strike 1985–1986 Hormel strike Wildcat strike Power Strike UK miners' strike 1979–1980 International Harvester strike Loray Mill strike Minneapolis general strike of 1934 M…

Matchgirls' strike Counter-Strike: Source Sudden Strike 1912 Lawrence textile strike 1913 Paterson silk strike Strike paper Hunger strike Pressed Steel Car strike of 1909 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike 1877 St. Louis general strike Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Earth Strike Września children strike New York Shipbuilding strike Knee (strike) Auto-Lite strike (1934) 1981 Irish hunger strike Third Strike 200

7 Broadway stagehand strike 2007–2008 Cork players' strike Strike zone First strike Leadville miners' strike 1919 General Steel Strike 1891 Australian shearers' strike Newsboys' strike of 1899 Copper Country strike of 1913–1914 1910 Chicago garment workers' strike Burlington railroad strike of 1888 February strike La Canadenca strike Elbow (strike) 1926 United Kingdom general strike Second strike 2008–2009 York University strike Desert Strike 1946 United States steel strike Hopedale strike 1933 Wisconsin milk strike Counter-Strike in esports Grivița strike of 1933 1918 Vancouver general strike 2018 Marriott Hotels strike 2023 Wr