Streetmate is a reality dating game show that first aired on Channel 4 from 30 October 1998 to 9 March 2001, hosted by Davina McCall, and then aired on ITV2 from 27 September to 29 November 2007, this time hosted by Holly Willoughby. The series returned to Channel 4 in 2017, instead hosted by Scarlett Moffatt.[1] HistoryA spin-off version called Beachmate aired for 5 episodes in 2001 hosted by Tania Strecker. Two special editions of the show have aired for charity: the first was a celebrity episode with Emma Bunton and Brian Dowling for Comic Relief on 14 March 2003;[2] the second was for Stand Up to Cancer UK on 21 October 2016. This mini episode featured First Dates star Fred Sirieix.[3] FormatThe host picks an eligible male or female from the streets, and then with their help, they approach equally eligible members of the opposite/same sex for a date. The couple will then go on a date and then report if it was a success or a failure. However, for the 2017 series, the first person looking for a partner was already chosen. TransmissionsOriginal
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